Welcome to Milani as GRZ Official Partner in Italy

Milani S.p.A. was founded in 1964 as a family company, and has rapidly broaden its activities realizing important projects and transforming the company from a family business into an industrial enterprise, able to equally deal with little private clients and big industrial ones. Milani offers to its customers, a tested methods that merges a remarkable flexibility with a full-spectrum approach towards every project. These are the distinctive features of a customer service which is developed, step by step, from the feasibility stage to the design phase, and from the conclusion of works up to the following maintenance and management of systems.

Milani is active in electrical systems, automation, low voltage systems, photovoltaic systems and skid mounted units for gas treatment as well as engineering and have recently expanded their portfolio so they also now are active within the hydrogen space – which is closely linked to the electricity areas Milani has been working in for several decades. Milani works as an EPC for electrical, PV and hydrogen solutions.

For any requests, please contact Milani directly.

Paola QUADRI, Sales & Automation Manager

23875 Osnago (LC) Via Martiri Della Liberazione 12

TEL. +

MOB. +39.340.726.89.32